Cathedral Considers Future Options

Waiapu Cathedral is facing its options in view of earthquake strengthening work at a potential cost of $20million.
Godwits Welcomed with Cathedral Bells

Waiapu Cathedral bells will ring out at 1pm on Sunday 22 October to welcome back to Ahuriri Estuary the bar-tailed godwit or kuaka.
Cathedral Earthquake Strengthening Report

The Cathedral’s Earthquake Strengthening Committee has provided information on the seismic assessment of the building to the parish.
Cathedral Bells Re-Sounding Again

A management plan enables the Waiapu Cathedral bell tower to have limited use again, including the ringing of the cathedral bells.
New Waiapu Diocescan Office

Demolition is almost completed of the building adjacent to the Cathedral to construct new offices for Waiapu Diocese.
Cathedral Roof Maintenance Underway
Work is underway to maintain and repair the Waiapu Cathedral roof in Napier.