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Our Team
Dean of Waiapu – The Very Reverend Di Woods can be contacted at dean@waiapu.com. Di provides leadership and outward focus towards the people of Napier and Hawke’s Bay.
Our Parish Administrator – Charlene is the friendly voice on the end of the phone. You can contact the office on 06 835 8824 or 021 754 161, or admin.cathedral@waiapu.com.
Anthony Tattersall, our Director of Music, is in charge of anything and everything to do with the music in the Cathedral. Anthony can be contacted on 027 300 1163 or via the Parish Administrator.

The Cathedral has two oversight bodies, the Chapter and the Vestry.
- The Cathedral Chapter is concerned with the Diocesan and community-facing ministries.
- The Vestry is responsible for the parish ministry and day-to-day running of the Cathedral.
Other roles:
Treasurer – Lyndsay Browne
Earthquake Committee Chair – Lawrence Yule, as the committee assesses the seismic report on the cathedral building.
Verger – currently vacant.
2024 Vestry members
- Graeme West, Dean’s Warden
- Sue John, People’s Warden
- Susan Wylie, Synod Rep
- Keith James
- Nik Krawchenko
- Jan Martin
- Dale Meredith
- Susanna Tayler