The Cathedral’s giving programme has been in place for many years. We are thankful for the people who contribute on a regular basis to enable the Cathedral to budget for ministry, outreach, education, and music, as well as upkeep and maintenance of resources, buildings, and grounds. All facets of Cathedral life are supported by this giving.

Planned giving through your bank by automatic payment is available. This is confidential to the Parish Recorder and a Tax Certificate is issued at the end of each financial year to enable you to claim your refund. All donations greater than $5 are eligible for a 33% tax credit.

To be a regular giver please contact the Parish Administrator.


A gift forever for the work of the Church

The Cathedral benefits from the monetary gifts people offer throughout each year, although some people are unable to give as much as they would like to the work of the Church during their lifetime.

By giving a legacy through your will, you help support the ministry and the mission of the Church long after the end of your earthly life.

You may offer a fixed amount or a proportion of your estate. You may stipulate that only the interest on your legacy is spent, or you may leave that up to the discretion of the Vestry.

You can confidentially discuss your wishes with the Parish Recorder, who can be contacted through the Cathedral Office.