Welcome to Waiapu Cathedral


Whakapaingia te Atua e whakamine nei i a tātou.
Whakamoemititia te Atua kua kotahi nei tātou.

Blessed be God who calls us together.
Praise to God who makes us one people.

What's on?

Art Deco Festival!
We’re proud to be part of this weekend and welcome visitors to a concert we host on Saturday
and our unique Sunday services with a jazz flavour.

The Cathedral is open to visitors during the week from 9am – 4pm and on Saturday mornings, as well as during Sunday services.  
Check out the ABOUT tab to find out more about the building.

You are very welcome to come into our calm space if you need a time of quiet or to light a candle for people you miss. 

Notice: Parish Consultation Meeting

Parish members are asked to attend this important meeting on Saturday 22 February from 10am – 11.30am at the Cathedral.

Why? For a consultation about the future of the three Napier parishes.  We genuinely want and need your input.

Who? It will be run by Colleen Kaye, the Diocesan Registrar, and Graham Brock, the new Diocesan strategist, for all members of the Cathedral Parish.

The consultation document is available under Notices here.

All Welcome

Saturday 15 February – Art Deco Weekend!
4.00pm                        Hosting the New Zealand Male Choir concert –  ‘The Magic of Male Voices’.   Tickets at the door (EFTPOS) adults $30, tertiary student $10, under 18’s Free

Sunday 16 February – Art Deco Weekend! 
8.00 – 9.00am             A traditional communion service – ‘Remembering the cost’
10.00 – 11.15am           ‘Divine Deco’ with a special Jazz Eucharist including the Cathedral Choir and Cathedral Strings.
4.00 – 5.30pm              A gospel and jazz-flavoured non-eucharist service. Dress in your best Deco garb if you wish!  
All services are FREE but a koha is appreciated.

Tuesday – Friday
9.00am                         Morning Prayer Resurrection Chapel

10.30am                       Eucharist in Resurrection Chapel followed by morning tea

12noon                         Midweek prayer, Resurrection Chapel

Saturday 22 February
10.00 – 11.30am         Parish members consultation meeting

Sunday 22 February 
8.00 – 9.00am              Eucharist Service, Aotearoa Chapel
10.00 – 11.15am            Choral Eucharist 

Music reproduced with permission under CCLI 504995.

News & Events

Waiapu Cathedral of St John the Evangelist


Our Waiapu Cathedral people are a vibrant community sharing the Christian journey together. 

You are welcome here whether you come as a person seeking a spiritual journey, a tourist, an occasional worshipper, or a person seeking a spiritual home. You are welcome to join the journey with us for a few moments or for a lifetime. 

We welcome all who come, and know that all people are precious to God, our loving Creator. We value and celebrate the presence and ministry of children and young people. We offer hospitality for worship, community gatherings, forums, celebrations and commemorations. We are a resurrection people. We strive to live out our faith in Christ in our individual lives and as people gathered together in community. 

We aspire to be a people of faith, hope and new beginnings.