Open Day on Earthquake Strengthening 12 Oct
Thursday 3 October
How do you solve a problem like the cathedral?
We’re holding a public OPEN DAY at the cathedral in Browning St, Napier on Saturday 12 October 11am-1pm.
Seismic strengthening work is required on Waiapu Cathedral in Napier’s CBD to bring it up to the current building standards – and we have a good option to share and discuss with the public.
The parish has been kept up to date but this is our opportunity to welcome in local people – many of whom have a connection with the cathedral – and share what we’re thinking about concerning the future of our cathedral building on this historic site.
It’s an opportunity to check out the preliminary concept plans, hear short presentations, discover the history, and discuss ideas for the future use of this landmark building on this heritage site in our city.
Recently updated seismic briefing information is here.
Stuff news article published 9 October is here.