Archbishops' Statement on Royal Commission Report
Wednesday 25 September
The Archbishops have released the attached statement on behalf of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa/New Zealand and Polynesia in response to Recommendation 130 of the report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care.
The statement outlines how the whole church has responded to the Commission’s 14 specific findings of fault against the Anglican Church, all of which we consider should be accepted.
This statement is freely available to be shared. In the Archbishop’s statement they have included a contact email address as a way for survivors of abuse to contact the Church and confirmed that each contact will be treated with confidence and care.
The work of the whole church to respond to the recommendations of the Royal Commission will continue at both a Provincial and Diocesan level as we commit ourselves to pursuing transformation of culture and the adoption of new practices and policies. One example of that in Waiapu is our commitment to Safeguarding training which continues to be delivered throughout the Diocese.