Chapel Choir of Christ College, Cambridge, UK
Friday 12 July, 7.00pm
Sixteenth Century to contemporary choral music
The acclaimed Christ’s College Chapel Choir from Cambridge, UK will present a concert in Waiapu Cathedral as part of their international tour.
Christ’s College is one of the colleges of the University of Cambridge and has had a chapel choir since its foundation in 1505.
The choir sings services in the College Chapel twice weekly during Terms and also makes an important contribution to the life of the College, singing at feasts, weddings, memorial services and other important occasions. Choir members are selected for this fine mixed-voice ensemble by audition, and each singer is expected to perform at a very high musical standard. The group has an active social life, and even fields a team in the local football competition.
35Choir Director Professor David Rowland says: ‘Coming to New Zealand is always a treat for the choir. There are 24 singers in the group, supported by two organ scholars and myself as the Director of Music. The choir’s recordings feature on BBC broadcasts and each year it performs concerts in the UK and abroad, most recently in the USA and Canada, as well as singing regularly for services in the College chapel. Performances in New Zealand will include songs from the sixteenth century to the present day, including established church music repertoire and music by contemporary composers, such as Parry’s Songs of Farewell, Howell’s Requiem, Finzi’s Lo, The Full, Final Sacrifice, to name a few.’
Door sales, CASH ONLY Adults $35, students $25 – includes a light supper
Traffic Note: The street around the cathedral is now a one-way system with access via Cathedral Lane from Tennyson St. This offers improved parking and a drop-off area immediately outside the main cathedral doors if needed.