O Nata Lux - Cathedral Choir Concert
Sunday 5 May, 2.30pm
The Cathedral Choir celebrates the splendour of light with their autumn concert.
O nata lux de lumine is a Latin hymn traditionally sung at the Feast of the Transfiguration in Christian churches. The English translation, O Light born of Light, forms the theme for the Waiapu Cathedral Choir’s next concert which will feature settings of this hymn by two contemporary composers, Morten Lauridsen and Annabel Rooney.
The concert programme includes songs and anthems written in the 15th Century, the 1930s and in the modern day, such as William Harris’ Faire is the Heaven, Ralph Vaughan Williams’ The Call from his Five Mystical Songs, Eric Whitacre’s beautiful Lux Aurumque, and the popular King’s Singers arrangement of This Little Light.
Some of the choir’s excellent solo voices will be heard in this concert, and Musical Director Anthony Tattersall will delight fans of the cathedral’s splendid organ with a rendition of the Nimrod theme from Elgar’s The Planets.
Door sales, cash & EFTPOS: Adults $20, children under 14 free.
Traffic Note: The street around the cathedral is now a one-way system with access via Cathedral Lane from Tennyson St. This offers improved parking and a drop-off area immediately outside the main cathedral doors if needed.