Ash Wednesday Services
17 February, 8.00am & 7.00pm
Join with us for a traditional Ash Wednesday service on the first day of Lent.

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent and is also known as ‘the day of ashes’. Learn more here.
All are welcome to these special services where worshippers are marked on their foreheads with a cross made from ashes – this symbolises repentance and our mortality. The ashes are created from the burning of the fronds from the previous year’s Palm Sunday service in the Cathedral.
In the morning there is a 8.00am Anglican Eucharist service in the Aotearoa Chapel of the Cathedral.
In the evening the ecumenical Ash Wednesday service at 7.00pm will include congregations from the inner city covenant churches (St Patrick’s Catholic, Trinity Methodist, St Paul’s Presbyterian and the Anglican Waiapu Cathedral).
“Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return” – Genesis 3:19.
ALL AGES/ $ FREE but koha/offering appreciated.
Traffic Note: The street around the cathedral is now a one-way system with access via Cathedral Lane from Tennyson St. This offers improved parking and a drop-off area immediately outside the main cathedral doors if needed.