Advent Carols Service

Waiapu Cathedral’s Advent Carols Service featuring the choir and orchestra is on the evening of Sunday 1 December from 7pm.
Baptism at Pandora Pond

The Cathedral congregation gathered at Pandora Pond for the baptism of two of its young people on Sunday 6 October.
Welcoming Kuaka-Godwits Back with Bells

Cathedral bells will peal at 2pm on Saturday to celebrate the return of the godwits to Ahuriri Estuary after their long Pacific flight. This also makes the start of the Ahuriri Estuary Protection Society’s annual godwits walk at the estuary.
Open Day on Earthquake Strengthening

An Open Day on 12 October will help local people learn about the best option being considered for strengthening Waiapu Cathedral.
Archbishops Statement on Royal Commission Report

The Archbishops have released a statement on the church’s response to the Royal Commission Inquiry into Abuse in Care report.
Cathedral Parish and Building Information Online

Options for strengthening the Waiapu Cathedral in Napier have been under consideration and information is now online for the parish to consider.