Special Service at Bay Vineyard Church – 7pm, Sunday 16 March

Sunday evening service “Come Holy Spirit” at Bay Vineyard Church with Gerald Griffin a pastor at Bridgetown church in Portland, Oregon.
Good Friday Services

Join with us for special services on Good Friday.
Holy Week and Easter Sunday

Share with us in remembering the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus this Holy Week at one of our special Waiapu Cathedral services.
Matariki themed service, 10am 16 July

Our morning choral eucharist is a celebration of Matariki – remembering the past, celebrating the present and looking to future bounty.
Ash Wednesday, 22 February

JOIN US this week for Ash Wednesday which marks the start of the church season of Lent leading to Easter.
Stations of the Cross during Lent

JOIN US during Lent for the Stations of the Cross with reflections.