Welcome to the Parish Pump!


Coming Up


4th Saturday of the month – which comes around fast in March! 

22 March   CHANGE – Napier Foreshore & Art Wander. Meet at Cathedral at 8.30am and we’ll enjoy a walk along the foreshore and see art, sculpture and enjoy a coffee at the market.  Come and go as you need to to fit in your yoga class, bike ride, etc.  Friendly, relaxing and a bit educational!  Contact Susan 027 256 8549.  

PINS & NEEDLES – next meet 10am Sat. 29 March

If you like a bit of a knit and natter, or a stitch and share, then you’ll be made to feel welcome and warm at this hands-on group.  Bring a project (or come to learn) and share some fellowship and morning tea!



The parish AGM was held on Sunday 16 March Reports and financials are here.

Dean’s Warden – Graeme West
People’s Warden – Sue John

Jan Martin
Keith James
Susan Wylie
Susanna Tayler
A resolution was made to co-opt additional Vestry members as need arises.


Bishop Andrew has announced (Sunday 23 Feb) the resignation of Dean Di Woods, who will conclude her ministry at the Cathedral on 25 May.  You can read the Bishop’s tribute to Di in the attached letter, and about arrangements for clergy to fill the role in the interim.

Letter from Bishop Andrew

Consultation meeting about parish future

Parish members attended this consultation meeting at the Cathedral on Saturday 22 February run by Graham Brock, the new Diocesan strategist, to discuss the future of Napier parishes. Westshore and Taradale parishes also had consultation meetings.

Parish Partnership Consultation Document.

Thanks for the food donations!

Thank you all for your very generous grocery donations over Christmas and New Year for the Napier Family Centre.  These were received with much gratitude. 
As you know the back to school weeks are always extra hard for families so your continued food trolley donations will be very welcome.  Spreads, tea, coffee, Raro, tinned foods, biscuits are all particularly appreciated. – Sue John

Scanning and transcription volunteers for Diocesan Registers
Do you have a spare day, morning, or afternoon to spare?
We are currently scanning and transcribing our Baptism, Marriage, and Burial registers to preserve our history. You would be given training to use the scanner in the Diocesan Office in Raffles Street Napier, or if you are confident using an excel spreadsheet and are used to reading cursive writing we would appreciate your time to transcribe the registers.  Please contact Jenny Cawston 027 4352947 or Jillian King 021 2034387 for further information if you are interested.

Choirs entering St Pauls Cathedral Wellington

Cathedral Choirs in Wellington

If you would like to enjoy hearing the cathedral choirs (including ours) that sang in the glorious 2024 choral festival services in St Paul’s Cathedral, Wellington at Labour Weekend, check out these YouTube links.  See if you can spot our choir members in the crowd! 

Morning Choral Eucharist Service (and baptism)

Choral Evensong 


Hello, New Parishioners!

If you are new to the parish, it help us to keep in touch if we have your details.  This form also lets you opt in to the parish prayer directory and other information.

New Parishioner Form

 Sharing with Cathedral Connection! 

Cathedral Connection is going monthly.  While we have no office admin, this will reduce some pressure on staff and volunteers.  Each edition will come out mid-month to help you plan ahead, and there can be special editions when we have something important to share. Please contact the office if you need to add information. And if you haven’t already, you can sign up here:

Subscribe (or resubscribe) to Weekly Cathedral Connection

You can also keep in touch with Diocese news each week with Waiapu E-News email – contact bianca.snee@waiapu.com to go on the mailing list.

New Diocese Centre Next Door

Work is well underway on building the new Waiapu Diocese Centre next door on Hastings St. 

Atkin Construction has been awarded the contract for constructing the office building adjacent to the Cathedral.  

 You can read more information here.