Good Friday Services
Friday 29 March
Join with us as we remember the last day in the life of Jesus Christ, as he fulfilled the Scriptures.
A 10am family service begins the Good Friday services in Waiapu Cathedral. This service will follow the last hours of Jesus’ life reflecting on the Stations of the Cross in the cathedral aisles. The stations are a series of paintings gifted to the cathedral by Hawke’s Bay artist Phyllis Simmons that depict the events of the last days of Jesus’ life and are displayed through Lent. The walk echoes the traditional pilgrimage held in Jerusalem every year at this time to follow the path that Jesus took to the cross.
At 12 noon, the afternoon service begins with the Stations of the Cross. At 1pm the service moves into the Last Words cantata by contemporary American composer, Michael Myrick, sung by the Cathedral Choir accompanied by piano and Cathedral Strings with flutes. This work is based on the scripture accounts of the final words Jesus spoke from the cross and is a reflective and moving work, enhanced by the acoustics of the cathedral. The choral movements are interspersed with short scripture readings, familiar hymns and brief reflections which add to the meaning of the texts.
All welcome. The cathedral will be open during the day in Holy Week for everyone who wants to pray or reflect in their own time.
Traffic Note: The street around the cathedral is now a one-way system with access via Cathedral Lane from Tennyson St. This offers improved parking and a drop-off area immediately outside the main cathedral doors if needed