The Cathedral Strings In Concert, 12 November
2.30pm, Sunday 12 November at Waiapu Cathedral

“The Cathedral Strings In Concert” is a special concert of our own string ensemble on Sunday 12 November at 2.30pm, and will also feature Waiapu Cathedral Musical Director Anthony Tattersall playing organ and piano.
The Cathedral Strings orchestra is a small ensemble of twelve local musicians and was established in 2018 to accompany the cathedral choir in special services. Most of the musicians were previously members of the Concord Strings; they also play with other orchestras and ensembles and teach pupils throughout the region. The guest organist and pianist will be the cathedral’s Director of Music, Anthony Tattersall. He is the regular organist for cathedral services and also plays on two Sundays each month at All Saints church in Taradale, as well as directing the Strings group, and the adult and young people’s choirs in Waiapu Cathedral.
The concert programme will include well-known music by some of the greatest composers – Handel, Vivaldi, Purcell and Elgar. Handel’s festive “Entrance of the Queen of Sheba” is often used to announce the arrival of brides or VIPs, while Antonio Vivaldi’s “Concerto for 2 Violins, Cello and Strings in A minor” will remind listeners of his most famous composition “The Four Seasons”. Edward Elgar’s “Serenade for Strings” became one of Elgar’s most popular compositions and the first two movements will be performed in this concert.
As a special treat, two rarely performed compositions are also on the programm – Handel’s Organ Concerto, known as “The Cuckoo and the Nightingale,” which features birdsong motifs particularly in the second movement, and Henry Purcell’s “Suite in C Major, No. 5, for Piano and Strings”.
Door sales only: $20 for adults, cash or Eftpos. Children, free.