Winter Art Deco Festival Events

Sunday 23 July at Waiapu Cathedral

JAZZING UP CHURCH – independent Festival event

SUN 23 JUL, 10.00am

You are very welcome to join a traditional Anglican choral Eucharist service, jazzed up with a new communion setting by local composer Bill Bennett, and some foot-tapping Spirituals sung by the choir and congregation.


OCTAVIUS CHAMBER CHOIR:  SONGS FROM THE SHOWS – independent Festival event.  

SUN 23 JUL, 2.30pm at Waiapu Cathedral

Napier’s Octavius Chamber Choir presents a musical selection from all your favourite shows – solos, choruses, medleys and theme songs. Bring back memories of musicals seen long ago, or enjoy the best bits of those you missed!

TICKETS $20, children under 14 FREE!.  Door sales only, EFTPOS available.

Visit for programme and booking details.

Octavius Chamber Choir
Octavius Chamber Choir