Combined Lent Services in Napier
monday 7 march 2022
During Lent, Waiapu Cathedral joins with the other inner city covenant churches to hold services during the weeks of Lent
The combined services will be held on Wednesday evenings at the different churches in the city. The combined Ash Wednesday service which opened the period of Lent was recorded and can be viewed here –
The combined Lent Services are as follows, and everyone is welcome to attend.
Wed 9 March, 7pm at St Thomas More, 92 Wycliffe St, Onekawa
Wed 16 March, 7pm at Trinity Methodist, Clive Square
Wed 23 March, 7pm at Waiapu Cathedral, Browning St
Wed 30 March, 7pm at St Patrick’s, Munroe St
Wed 6 April, 7pm at St Paul’s Presbyterian, Tennyson St.
Please observe the mask and vaccination requirements at each church.
During Lent, a St Anthony on the Lake Labyrinth has been set up in Waiapu Cathedral to provide people with a pilgrim’s journey – a time for prayer and contemplation. It is the same pattern as set into the floor in the 13th century Chartres Cathedral in France.