Welcome to our 2025 Lenten Studies.
We have two studies this year – the Diocese study on “The Good News” and the parish study on “Finding our focus in a time of uncertainty”.
Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on 5 March.
Parish study & groups:
Finding our focus in a time of uncertainty
As we enter the season of Lent this year we are in a time of uncertainty about the future of our cathedral building and our parish.
This Lent we can take the opportunity to embrace that uncertainty and find ways to be comfortable with it. As we prepare for the walk to the cross and beyond we will seek a stillpoint, a centre, a focus. We can lean into our questions and uncertainties and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
This year we offer study groups (see options below) for 5 weeks. Each week we will focus on a biblical passage and some thoughts for reflection and discussion.

Groups begin from 4/5 March and run for 5 weeks. A sign up form is at the back of the church or email Charlene admin.cathedral@waiapu.com. Note that a group will only run if there are enough people.
Tuesdays 7pm-8.15pm at the Cathedral led by Rev Helen Jacobi (from 4 March).
Wednesdays 10am-12noon at the home of Elisabeth Paterson led by Kay Memmott (from 5 March).
Wednesdays 1pm-2pm at the Cathedral (after the midweek service) led by Rev Helen Jacobi (from 5 March).
(PHOTO: Road sign at Tryphena, Great Barrier Island)
Good NEWS: The story we live inside
This Lenten study for the Diocese of Waiapu has been prepared by our Ministry Educator, Rev’d Deborah Broome. This study suits both small group study and for individuals to do on their own.
The word “gospel” means “good news.” That’s the story we’re invited to live inside and to be carriers of: the good news of God, of Jesus, the good news of the Church. We are gospel people, we’re the people of good news!
We’re called to share these messages with our whānau, friends and neighbours, and with the world all around us – but first we need to see it for ourselves.

The “This is Good News” studies are available online here as a single PDF document (2.9MB) with 6 sections in 44 pages, which you can download and print. Be aware there are colour sections, so you may prefer to set your printer for black and white.
Six studies, for the six weeks of Lent, each engage with some aspect of the good news story that we, as Christians, are part of. Woven into this are some themes that are part of the vision for the Diocese of Waiapu – flourishing, discipleship, connection, vocation, koru ministry, and whakapapa.
1 God is good news
2 Jesus is good news
3 Belonging to the “good news people”
4 Spreading the good news
5 Good news for young and old
6 Good news for Aotearoa
My hope is that through these reflections you may greet the Easter Dawn with a new sense of the love God has for you and for all the world.
Rev’d Deborah Broome, Ministry Educator, Anglican Diocese of Waiapu
2024 LENTEN STUDIES - God's Calling
We are keeping the 2024 studies Who is God calling us to be? as this may be useful for other group study. Each of these studies engages with some aspect of a call from God. Some of these are calls to the Church as a whole and all Christians; others are a more individual call to a particular role or life. (Be aware there are colour sections, so you may prefer to set your printer for black and white.)
We are keeping the 2023 studies This is us: who we are as Anglicans as this may be useful for other group study. Use as either a single PDF document (2.2MB) with 6 sections or individual sections below.
(Be aware there are colour sections, so you may prefer to set your printer for black and white.)
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Matthew 6:21